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Our Best Answer: What are your admission requirements?
Admission Requirements
Undergraduate applicants:
Admission requirements vary depending on your educational background and the category of admission requested. McGill University accepts students from a wide variety of academic backgrounds, including Quebec CEGEPs, high schools in other Canadian provinces, the U.S. and internationally, as well as applicants from other universities and colleges. Admission decisions are based on your academic record, as well as performance in prerequisite courses, depending on the program.
Detailed information regarding the specific prerequisites and deadlines that would apply to your applicant category and program choice can be found on the Applying to Undergraduate Studies. Prospective applicants can also refer to admission standards from previous year.
Graduate applicants:
Graduate admission requirements vary depending on the program to which you are applying and your educational background. Admission to graduate studies is highly competitive and also depends on the admissions requirements of the academic unit and the availability of resources such as supervision, funding, laboratory space, class size, etc. Details are found here.